This places an obligation on all creators of software to program in such a way that the computations can be understood and trusted. Users of the analysis have no option but to trust the analysis, and by extension the software that produced it. Those who receive the results of modern data analysis have limited opportunity to verify the results by direct observation. Allaire, Founder and CEO of RStudio, states: All of these tools are free and will run on any computer platform. R Markdown documents and R Notebooks both can be rendered into publication-quality output in a variety of formats, including HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Word. RStudio has also recently developed R Notebooks, which are R Markdown documents that provide a rich workflow for interactive data analysis. RStudio can also be used to insert literature citations into your text and produce formatted bibliographies, using R Markdown, an R-flavored variant of the Markdown language, and the BibTeX bibliographic system.
An increasing number of scholarly journals are requiring that authors submit such replication materials as a condition of publication (see, for example, the AJPS Verification Policy), and are providing guidelines for data archiving in support of reproducible research (e.g., Reproducible research and Biostatistics and The Role of Data Repositories in Reproducible Research). With RStudio, you can encapsulate the code and data for your analysis within the text of your paper, fostering research transparency and replicability of results.

RStudio makes R easier to use, and it also enables the creation and rendering of plain-text documents that contain embedded R code. RStudio is an integrated development environment for R. R ( ) is a programming language and software platform for statistical computing and graphics, widely used in academia and industry (see An Introduction to R).

Coda II: Inspirational Quotes About Data.